Z0206 Computer Laboratory, Division of Interdisciplinary Studies
Z0206 Computer Laboratory, Division of Interdisciplinary Studies
In celebration of the International Day of Mathematics (IDM) on March 14, the Semester I tutorial classes of the Mathematics and Statistics module were aligned with this year’s global theme, “Mathematics, Art, and Creativity.”
To recognize and appreciate students' creativity and thoughtfulness, their work was featured in an "Math + Art = Creativity" mini exhibition on Friday, March 14, at the Z0206 Computer Laboratory.
A wide variety of creative themes were presented, including Mathematical Mind Maps, Derivative Art, Recreating Letters with Mathematical Functions, Mathematical Posters for IDM, Fractal Designs, Polar Curve Designs, Math Poetry, and Math Games, beautifully combining mathematics with art.
The event, initiated by Dr. (Mrs.) S.C. Mathugama, was organized by the Mathematics and Statistics staff of the Division of Interdisciplinary Studies under the guidance of Dr. (Mrs.) D.D.G.A.D.S. Saparamadu, Head of the Division. It was graced by the presence of the Director of ITUM, Major General (Retd.) S.K. Thirunavukarasu RSP VSV USP, along with Heads of Divisions, academic and non-academic staff, and students of ITUM.