The Division of Interdisciplinary Studies was formed with the establishment of the Institute of Technology of the University of Moratuwa in October 2000. The academic staff of the Division is composed of experienced and qualified lecturers including senior staff members who had been serving in the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Moratuwa prior to the establishment of the Institute. The Division conducted courses in English, Mathematics and Information Technology up to 2018. In 2018, two new subject streams - Aesthetic Studies and Sports Studies were introduced. Currently, the Division offers English, Mathematics and Statistics, Aesthetic Studies and Sports Studies modules.
1. Mathematics and Statistics
Mathematics and statistics modules conducted by the Division focuses on teaching the basic concepts of Mathematics and Statistics, the development of rational thinking in formulating and solving engineering and technical problems and the application of mathematical and statistical knowledge in solving broadly defined real world problems.
2. English Language Teaching Unit
The English Language Teaching Unit (ELTU) is a newly created academic entity functioning under the Division of Interdisciplinary Studies. The English language courses offered by the ELTU are designed to improve the English language proficiency of students who enroll to follow the National Diploma in Technology programme. A pre-academic English course is conducted for all newly admitted students prior to the commencement of the academic programme with the intention of helping students to switch over from their mother tongue to English as the medium of instruction. Thereafter all students (except nautical and marine) follow the compulsory course modules, English Language Skills Enhancement 1 and 2 (IS 1103 & IS 1203) three hours per week throughout the first year of their studies. The modules, Communication Skills (IS 2302) is offered for textile, chemical and polymer students in semester 3 and Communication Skills and Technical Writing (IS 2401) for IT students in semester 4. The course components aim at producing engineering diploma holders with strong communication skills who will be able to function effectively in diverse work environments.
3. Sports Studies
The Sports Studies module aims at developing personality, leadership and teamwork and appreciation of sports of engineering technology students. It also enhances communication skills, the ability to think reflectively and reflexively in solving problems. The module contains the basic concepts and value of sports, physical fitness and health, the basics of first aid techniques, injury prevention methods, sports leadership, and management. Practical sessions include aerobics and yoga sessions and different sports such as volleyball, cricket, netball, athletics, football, and badminton.
4. Aesthetic Studies
Aesthetic Studies was introduced to the ITUM curriculum in 2018 to develop creative and critical thinking as well as aesthetical capabilities of its students. The objective is to provide a well-balanced education that would augment students’ personal and professional life leading to develop socially better fitting personalities. This module contains a theoretical as well as a practical component. For the practical component, students should choose one subject out of four – Dance, Drama, Music or Visual Art.