Eng. D. D. Prabath Witharana, veteran author and the former Head of the Department of Agrarian Development donated a valuable set of books to the ITUM Library, recently. The donation covers publications on Watershed management, Village tank cascades, Agro-ecology, Irrigation systems of Sri Lanka, Climate change, Paddy as an ecosystem and Agrarian Law. According to the author, the main objectives of these publications were to facilitate integrated water resource management and development, to minimize adverse effects of climate change and to improve water and land productivity etc. The publications highlight the continuous efforts made by the author, Eng. Prabath Witharana during his 35 years of professional career in water resources engineering in Sri Lanka. We gratefully acknowledge the receipt of these books to the ITUM library which would be of great value, especially to the Civil Engineering Technology students of ITUM. The books were handed over to the consultant Librarian of ITUM and the Chairperson of the Library Development Committee in the presence of several members of the academic staff.
February 15, 2:00 pm