The welcoming program for the new intake of NDT course was held on 14th March 2022 at Dr. T.A.G. Gunasekara Multifunctional Hall of ITUM from 2.30 p.m. onwards. The Director of ITUM, Academic and Administrative staff of ITUM participated in this special program to welcome the new intake. The new students were welcomed by the Chairperson of the Orientation Committee Mrs. S.M. Kannangara, senior lecturer attached to the Division of Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Technology. The Director of ITUM Major General (Retired) S.K. Thirunavukarasu RSP VSV USP delivered a special speech emphasizing the unique opportunity the students gained by securing a place at ITUM. The history of NDT course was elucidated by Dr.(Mrs.) N.P.K. Semananda, who was a former diplomate of NDT, the Head of the Division of Civil Engineering Technology. The program concluded with the Orientation Visit of the new students to the relevant academic divisions.