Automated library system
Most of the library functions have been automated to provide an enhanced service to its users. An Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is available in the home page of the Library Website to search the materials held in all library collections.
The users who have registered in the online system can renew, reserve and have other facilities using their accounts.

Inter Library Loan (ILL) service
ILL service is being conducted for the academic community of the Institution to provide materials (books and journal articles) from other network of libraries if a particular item is not available in the ITUM-library. Eligible users are able to request this service by emailing the requirement to ‘’.
Library orientation programs
The Library conducts orientation programs for all newly coming students. An introductory session on the library resources and services with a library tour has been scheduled for every year.
Library conducts the registration process during the orientation program.
User education
The library is willing to help users to access the library resources and get the maximum benefit of the library. Programs on user awareness, searching OPAC, literature surveys, referencing methods etc. (Information Literacy) will be conducted on request by Divisions.
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Wi-Fi access
Wi-Fi access is available in the library for all users.