Energy Engineering

The Energy Engineering Laboratory facilitates to give knowledge and hands on experience in Fuel technology and some course modules.

Equipment for testing facilities in Energy Engineering lab
1    ASTM Distillation apparatus
2    Cannon-Fenske routine capillary Viscometer
3    Claveland open cup Flash point apparatus
4    Engler viscometer
5    Melting point apparatus
6    Pensky Martens closed cup Flash point apparatus
7    Ring and Ball Apparatus
8    Rotary viscometer
9    Saybolt viscometer
10    Torsion viscometer
Other Accessories
12    Air compressor
13    Analytical Balance
14    Hot plate magnetic stirrer
16    Laboratory Centrifuge
17    Moisture balance
18    Muffle Furnace
20    Water bath
21    Weighing balance

Lecturer in Charge of the Laboratory: - Ms. W.V.W.H.Wickramarachchi

Contact Details
Tel: +94 11 212 4000/ Ext. No: 1606