The high voltage laboratory has been set up mainly to demonstrate the practical aspects of the concepts and applications of high voltage engineering. It conducts demonstrations for Electrical, Electronics and Marine Engineering Technology students. It possesses laboratory components to demonstrate several experiments on various subject areas such as Corona effect, Insulation Coordination and High voltage breakdown & Testing.
The High Voltage Laboratory is also extensively used in carrying out consultancy and testing work.
The high voltage laboratory has been developed with TERCO HV equipment such as HV test transformer, capacitors, rectifiers, resistors, sphere gaps, corona cage, insulators, circuit arranging equipment, digital oscilloscope, voltmeters, control desk and all safety equipment.
This HV laboratory is ready for performing as following experiment;
- Generation and measurement of AC voltage, DC voltage and impulse voltage
- Generation and measurement of AC voltage – Sphere gap
- Experiment on solid and liquid insulators
- Experiment on partial discharge and corona
- Breakdown of gases
- Disruptive discharge voltage tests
- Investigation of a single–stage impulse generator
In-charge of Laboratory
Eng. (Mrs.) DY Tharangika Bambaravanage
Mr. BCK Karunarathna |
Ms. AM Karunanayaka |